A ray of hope

Più importante dell’arte

è la condivisione emotiva e il messaggio che essa genera.

Diversamente sarebbe soltanto estetica.

Così, nell’ottica di creare un valore aggiunto  e capire meglio ( io per primo)  la mia pittura, ho chiesto in giro qualche feedback e ne ho selezionato altri, raccolti nel tempo, che mi avevano colpito.

Pubblico qui per intero il pensiero di Viera, pittrice americana ( il dipinto in foto è il suo ) e persona che stimo molto a prescindere dal bellissimo testo che mi ha dedicato:

Art= a mirror of the essence of your deepest soul…hope & dissolution, desires, dreams, moods, happiness & sadness, victories & loses, trials, pain, struggles & challenges, beauty of the world…a peek into the deepest soul presented with a stroke of brush on canvas, a pen, a note, a poem, … Lustro’s witt & mastership with all these facets is pushing all boundaries relentlessly, without an apology… he constantly experiments with different platforms if it is color, objects, thoughts, media, space, textures… one never knows just is left to wonder what is next?… waiting with eager anticipation …his energy… desire to create…curiosity…flair for beauty…refreshing sense of humor…internal dialogues whilst seeking answers to the challenging questions of this world full of polarities…questions in his inner world…

Watching from a distance, Lustro creates & shares beauty on many levels as he sees the world through his eyes …then he puts it out there in his own unique way whilst pausing for reaction …talent to capture a “moment” of a life time with each brush stroke…with each word…with each photo… with each smile…making his own mark for others to marvel in!”

Viera , american artist

In foto: “A ray of hope” acrilico su tela di Viera

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